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In this week’s podcast episode, I discuss being a present lawyer.

My fellow litigators: do you often emotionally cry wolf every time you promise yourself that you will feel better when you [insert future event here]?

Do you tell your family, friends or significant other that when you finish this case, trial or project, you will be less stressed out and more available, when in fact you’re going to finish that case and move on to another one that you will stress you out as much and take up as much time as the last one?

When you learn how to be in the present moment, you learn that you don’t need things in the future to make you feel successful, happy or fulfilled. You can make a choice to feel that way now.

When you are in the present moment, you learn that the way that you feel now is exactly how you are going to feel in the future and that you have the power to control how you feel right now.

To get started, check out a meditation for being in the present moment here:

Listen to this episode!