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Being open to change makes you more likely to identify and attract new opportunities into your life. Plus, one new exciting opportunity often leads to another and soon, circumstances and changes may lead you in a direction that you thought you would never go. Change can sometimes be scary because predictability and stability are things that keep us in our comfort zone.

5 years ago I lived in Michigan and got a job offer in New Jersey. It was scary to pick up and move to a place where I knew no one and start over. But, at the time, I knew that this was the only opportunity I had to practice law and there was nothing that would keep me from it. 5 years later, I have built a network of wonderful friends, colleagues, and found the love of my life. Because I was open to this big change, I continue to remain open for all future exciting opportunities.

Don’t be afraid to be open to change outside of your comfort zone. You never know where it can take you.